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Welcome to The Moldovan Connection

Ministry of Rich and Jo Ann Davis - Mentoring and training church planters, Christian Higher Education

Moving Forward with Christ

The sense of urgency in making progress on the mandate of the Great Commission seems more challenging than ever before/


Russia invaded our neighboring country, Ukraine, in an escalation of the conflict between these two countries. This has created a flood of mostly mothers and children evacuating Ukraine to Moldova and other countries. Many Ukrainians are returning to their beloved country despite the risks and the was seems to drag on indefinitely.


As if the war in Ukraine was not enough, there is a new conflict being played out between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip. Many of us are watching this situation with interest as we look at the Scriptures and anticipate the coming events of the last days.


As the geo-political and economic circumstances around the globe appear to be spinning beyond the ability of men to contain, we take great comfort in knowing that NOTHING is beyond God's ability to control. In fact, we are convinced that behind what appears to be chaos, our Lord is bringing history to the conclusion that He told us about in His Word.


There is no reason to fear even though there are many things that we don't know or understand. Nothing is going to take place that hasn't first passed through the Lords' hands. This is not the time to become paralyzed with a "let’s wait and see" attitude.


Faith in our sovereign Lord would find us increasing our efforts rather than standing still or worse yet, retreating. As one Alaskan enjoys saying, “Don’t retreat – RELOAD”. We need to reload, redouble and recommit in our determination to make as many disciples as possible before the conclusion of this stage of history – this age. May the Lord help us all to give more and do more than we ever have before. We need to cover as much ground as possible in the short time that is left. This means that we must take larger strides forward for Him.


We are very enthusiastic about the new opportunities that the Lord is giving us in training 45 church planters and leaders to plant churches that multiply. Wars may rage, even next door, but God is building His kingdom in Ukraine as in Moldova, Romania and many other strategic places. The Institute for Church Planting (ICP) is a reality check that God is still on the Throne and having His will in the world and we praise His Name.


This site is dedicated to providing the current situation in our ministries in Eastern Europe - especially Moldova. It is our prayer that you will be informed for the purpose of prayer. 

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©2021 by The Moldovian Connection.

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