Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting. (Ps 147:1)

Topics of mutual interest were shared as we considered how best to accomplish our task in the challenging white fields.

Ministry center in Athens where refugees from Ukraine receive weekly help in every sense with finger food and love.Singing a song of praise is indeed fitting as we transition back to “the Continent.”
After four months of driving back and forth across the USA, we finally boarded a plane and flew across two ponds (the Atlantic and the Mediterranean) to Europe. The first stop was Athens, Greece where we participated in three-days of meetings with colleagues. During our time there we had the privilege of visiting a ministry led by national partners from Ukraine who were providing many needs for Ukrainian refugees.

We took this shot of Acropolis Hill from Areopagus, which many of us think of as Mars Hill. We were also able to visit some of the most unforgettable sights in the world.. So much global and biblical history swirls around this part of the world and it was awesome to contemplate the people and events which took place here thousands of years ago.
We then flew from Greece to Chișinău cluttering our apartment with luggage and the items we had stored before leaving Moldova for Romania and ultimately the US last Spring. It is a joy to report that we are settled with the apartment organized and food in the pantry!
We now need to prepare our course materials and it will be a blessing to return to the classroom. We are also anticipating ministries with the Ukrainian refugees and will be planning with our team here ASAP.

This is a shot of our 2011 Honda CRV that we sold last Spring. We would like to find something similar to serve us during this next term in Moldova. One of the things we have realized is that it is going to be difficult to do all these ministries without a car. We still have $10,000 from the sale of our car when we moved to Romania but to replace it will cost about twice that amount. Please pray with us for wisdom as to which vehicle to purchase considering factors like the cost of fuel, space for possibly multiple passengers and/or supplies for refugees. Please also pray that the Lord would supply the additional funds needed to purchase a good used vehicle.

Many of you have prayed for us and our return to Moldova. We are here now and full of joy at what lies ahead. We are praising the Lord as Psalm 147 above mentions for the amazing summer we experienced as we visited many of you from California to Pennsylvania. Thank you for all your encouragement.