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Prayer & Praise

You may find more details on these requests by reading the newsletters on this website. This is the place where a quick list of the most recent prayer request and praise items may be found. Our hope is that this page will serve as a quick and up to date list of churches and individuals to access as they go to prayer.

Please Pray:

  • That the Lord would continue to bless the UDG students as they prepare to serve the Lord in their home countries. Pray also for Rich and Jo Ann as well as all the faculty as we train and mentor these precious young people.

  • That the Lord allow the Gospel message to penetrate the hearts and souls of the children who attended the summer camp "Shipwreck" hosted by the Imago Dei Baptist Church.

  • That the Lord would bless as we travel to villages with students from UDG to serve the small groups of believers. Our desire is to lift up Christ and encourage our brothers and sisters in these rural areas. 

  • For our trip to the states in November for the wedding of our granddaughter and the holidays. We are asking the Lord to allow us to have a wonderful ministry with our family.

  • For the newly weds as they join their lives together

  • For the UDG students returning to Moldova from limited access countries and Moldova to prepare for the tasks of making disciples, planting churches, and being shinning lights for Christ in their regions.

  • For our training ministries with these bright young Christian university students at UDG preparing to serve the Lord.

  • For the Spirit's leading as we consider His will for us in the coming years.

  • For the situation in Moldova, Europe, and the US during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • For Strong Foundations - that many young people from suffering families would come to trust Christ through this ministry.

  • For the Christian University (UDG) now as the fall 2021 semester has begun.

  • That as we mentor our friends and partners we would grow closer to Him and each other and be able to give them tools to continue serving the Lord here in ChiÈ™inău.

  • For both of us (Rich and Jo Ann) that we would continue to have the health and vitality to accomplish all that the Lord has for us here in Moldova.


  • That many unsaved young people were given a clear presentation of the Gospel during the "Shipwreck" camp and many are faithfully attending the Imago Dei services on Sunday as well as youth activites during the week. 

  • For the successful beginning of the new academic school year at UDG. 

  • For the summer ministries that the Lord allowed us to have.

  • That members are being mentored and starting to serve at Imago Dei. Many were wonderful workers in the "Shipwreck" camp held in August.

  • For the joy of getting to know our students at UDG better and having the opportunity to mentor them.

  • For the joy of celebrating 55 years of marriage. The Lord is good!  

  • For those that have increased our support and some that are giving anonymously 

  • For friends that are caring for our home in PA and more while we are in Europe.

  • For financial supporters & prayer partners that have been faithful for 47 years! Thank you

©2021 by The Moldovian Connection.

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